(a) More interested in shooting people than stuff (shooting in a photographical sense, of course) and,
(b) Super shy. Which kind of goes against (a).
So, events like G L O W, where everyone is carrying a camera around AND is really into the exhibition are a blessing for me. I'm essentially invisible there. I have the freedom to shoot away with nobody really noticing AND because everybody is so busy observing the art, they let their true selves shine trough.
When you want to take a really good picture of someone, just make sure he/she is not thinking about it. Henry Cartier Bresson was a master at that; striking conversations with his sitters for hours until they forgot about it all. He just waited, and then, at the precise instant when the true self of his subject shone through -via a certain sparkle in the eye or a minuscule gesture- click! He got the pic he was waiting for.
I'm not trying to compare myself with HCB, I'm pretty rubbish at portraits still. So I take advantage of these situations where I can still find people in a rather natural habitat of sorts, where I'm just not there.
So, enough with the boring intro. On to some pictures.
I love this one. There's nothing particularly fancy about it but as soon as I saw that wall near the exit of one of the exhibition halls, I knew what to do. I just went out of the way, sat down in the dark and waited for people to pass by.
Then, it was just a matter of timing the shots. I got all sort of variations of this pic: Families together, people opening umbrellas, playing with cameras, tall people, short people... you get the idea. Of course, I'm not showing those alternate shots. I know better :)
The guys overseeing one of the installations. Their stance is more interesting than the actual thing, I guess.
Click the read more thingy for more pics.
I wish the couple on the right weren't on the frame. But there was not much I could do...
Again, all the different -introspective- looks from the people there transform a shitty pic into something I find quite interesting.
I adore this one. I dunno why... but there's something about it that feels so real. I like to stare at this one and imagine what everyone is thinking/doing.
The last one. It wouldn't be me if I didn't shoot at least one couple from the back.
Lovers of cultural differences, observe how the guy is walking on the sidewalk and is making her use the bike lane. You do this back home and you are toast :)
That's it for today. I got some more concert pics, who knows... I may post them soon.
Me encantó, digna foto de un ser paciente.